
Showing posts from April, 2019

Exotic Flavors Make Vaping Interesting And Approachable For Adults

The availability of interesting e-liquid flavors makes vaping more enjoyable, which is welfare improving in itself. But beyond that, many vapers find that interesting flavors are critical for quitting smoking. E-cigarettes that try to imitate the taste of smoking, which includes a large portion of cig-alikes, seldom do a convincing job of it. It leaves many smokers feeling that e-cigarettes are an altogether inferior substitute, so why bother? The best affordable vape pod system is the reason why you should, as they provide amazing flavor and produce relaxing effects as a result of vaping. There is a common myth that interesting flavors are designed to attract underage consumers. But there is no evidence – literally none at all – to support the claim that these flavors are particularly attractive to teenagers. There is, however, overwhelming evidence that adult vapers prefer interesting flavors and that many quit smoking only because of them. As a result, they invest in the best and ...